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Terms of Use Flyboard Zapata Dubai

Terms of Use

Effective as of 06 June 2024

Welcome to the FLYBOARD® ZAPATA community. We want you to know and understand your rights and our rights relating to the provision of our services.

Please review our Terms and Conditions of Use below carefully.

Terms and Conditions of Use

1. General
Welcome to the https://flyboard.ae. You are reading these Terms and Conditions of Use (Terms) because you are using the https://flyboard.ae (The WEBSITE), which is operated by FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C (License №1137549). To continue accessing or using The WEBSITE, you agree to be bound to these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not access or use The WEBSITE.
From time to time we may update these Terms and/or provide you with supplemental terms via The WEBSITE or by email. Such supplemental terms will also form part of these Terms.

Privacy Policy and personal data
The WEBSITE cannot be provided to you, and the services described in these Terms cannot be performed, without FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C collecting, storing and processing data about you, including your personal data and location data. The WEBSITE is made available to you subject to you consenting to our collection and use of your personal information and other data.
When you use the WEBSITE, we collect certain personal information about you, as well as information about your device, your interaction with the WEBSITE, and other information necessary to facilitate your use of the WEBSITE.
The information we collect through the WEBSITE includes your name, email address, phone number, date of birth, country, gender, height, weight, your location and ride history, your device (including its version, specifications and operating system), your IP address, time zone and the technical details.
The WEBSITE will collect the above information while open on your device and will collect location-specific information while it is open in the background of your device.
The WEBSITE will not collect information regarding your activity in other WEBSITEs on your device.

We will use your personal information to provide the App and its content to you.  We may also use your personal information for marketing purposes if you consent to such use. From time to time, it may be necessary for us to share your personal information across our various platforms.
These requirements in relation to privacy are supplementary to FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C’s Privacy Policy, which is incorporated by reference into these Terms, with all references to the WEBSITE or other FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C platforms in the Privacy Policy to read as references to the WEBSITE (in addition to the WEBSITE or other platforms).
In particular, your personal information will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Policy’s provisions relating to the sharing of your personal information, the use of your personal information, our lawful bases for using and retaining your personal information, and your rights under privacy and data laws.

flyboard.ae Community Standards
FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C is excited for you to contribute to our community. In doing so, we expect you to honour and respect our community standards. You may not share Content in connection with the WEBSITE that:
1. is offensive, objectionable, supports or praises terrorism, war, organised crime or hate groups;
2. contains threats or hate speech, harasses or allows harassment of other;
3. attempts to disrupt, degrade, impair or violate the integrity of the WEBSITE, or that exposes FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C or any other to any type of harm;
4. infringes, dilutes, misappropriates or otherwise violates any privacy, intellectual property, publicity of other individuals; or
5. contains software viruses, programs or other computer code that may disrupt the provision of the WEBSITE.
The WEBSITE is a public place. Do not post Content containing personal information, including (without limitation), telephone numbers, street addresses or email addresses.
FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C has a right (but not an obligation) at our sole discretion, to review and remove any Content at any time for any reason, and reserves the right at our sole discretion to deactivate, or delete your account temporarily or permanently if you post any prohibited Content to the WEBSITE.

2. Intellectual property
The WEBSITE is owned and operated by FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C and all Content, text, software, scripts, code, designs, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, interactive features, patents, copyrighted or copyrightable material, trade marks, and other intellectual property (collectively FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C Content) is owned by, or licensed to, FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C.
Except as expressly permitted by applicable law or authorised by FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C, you agree not to appropriate, licence, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivate works based on the WEBSITE, the WEBSITE’s software, or any FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C Content offered as part of the WEBSITE in whole or in part.
FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C grants you a personal, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable and non-exclusive right and licence to access and use the WEBSITE, provided you do not, and do not allow any third party to, copy, modify, create a derivative work from, reverse engineer, reverse assemble or otherwise attempt to discover any source code, sell, assign, sublicense, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any right in any aspect of the WEBSITE, except where permitted by law. This right and licence is also conditional on your adherence to these Terms.

3. Partners and third parties
FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C may from time to time within the WEBSITE link to, refer to or partner with third-party websites, social media platforms, mobile applications or other products and services (Third Parties). You may be able to connect with Third Parties through the WEBSITE, but this does not mean that FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C endorses, monitors or has any control over these Third Parties or their activities. The WEBSITE may contain links to third party websites and applications. FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C is not responsible for the privacy, security or handling of your personal information via those websites and applications and you should review the privacy policy and terms of use each time you visit them.

4. Disclaimer
Use of the WEBSITE is at your own risk. Everything on the WEBSITE and the content is provided to you “as is” and “as available” without warranty or condition of any kind.
None of the affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contributors and licensors of FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C make any express or implied representation or warranty about the content or any products or content (including the products or content of FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C) referred to on the WEBSITE.
This includes (but is not restricted to) loss or damage you might suffer as a result of any of the following:
1. failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, failure to correct defects, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or other harmful component, loss of data, communication line failure, unlawful third party conduct, or theft, destruction, alteration or unauthorised access to records;
2. the presence of any viruses, malware or other harmful material on the WEBSITE;
3. errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the listing of information (including information relating to availability and pricing) on the WEBSITE;
4. the accuracy, suitability or currency of any information on the WEBSITE, the content, or any of its content related products (including third party material and advertisements on the WEBSITE);
5. costs incurred as a result of you using the WEBSITE, the content or any of the products of FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C; or
6. the content or operation of links which are provided for your convenience.
Use of goods purchased on the https://flyboard.ae website has certain inherent and significant risks of property damage, bodily injury or death and you acknowledge and voluntarily assume all known and unknown risks associated with these activities, even if caused in whole or part by the action, inaction or negligence of FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C or by the action, inaction or negligence of others.
You expressly agree that FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C are not providing medical or health advice via the WEBSITE. All content provided through the WEBSITE, including all text, photographs, images, illustrations, graphics, audio, video and other materials whether provided by FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C or Third Parties should not be used in place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals, or information contained on or in any product packaging or labels, instructions, manuals or guides.

5. Indemnity
To the extent permitted by any applicable law, you indemnify and hold FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C harmless on demand from and against any claim, damage, loss, charge, cost, expense, outgoing or payment which FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C pays, suffers, incurs or is liable for in respect of your Content, or in connection with your breach of these Terms. Your rights with respect to FREEDOM EXPRESS FOR SPORT EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. L.L.C are not modified by the foregoing indemnification if the laws of your country of residence, applicable as a result of your use of the WEBSITE, do not permit it.

6. Governing law
These Terms are governed by the laws of United Arab Emirates. You submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that state.

7. Contact
Providing a good customer experience is important to us. If you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us using the details provided below:

Office 204, Sheikha Mhara Ahmed Building, UAE, Dubai
